In support of community

The members of The Heartland Singers feel strongly connected to their communities, be it their chorus, barbershop or geographic communities.

Our dear chorus friend
Sadly, in August 2021, The Heartland Singers lost their dear friend and riser mate, Monica Lutzak. In her memory, members came together to donate $1,000 to the Young Singers Fund, Sweet Adelines International.

Loved and respected in the barbershop world
In March 2021, the members of The Heartland Singers made a donation to the Travis family, in support of Liz Travis's rehabilitative journey following a devastating brain aneurysm. 

Making a difference in their communities
Our members raise funds throughout the year specifically to support organizations that are making a difference in their communities, especially during these challenging times.

Throughout COVID-19, The Heartland Singers have donated to the following organizations:
  • Canadian Caribbean Assoc. of Halton
  • Distress Centre of Halton
  • Fareshare Foodbank of Oakville
  • Ian Anderson House
  • Native Child & Family Services of Toronto
  • Oakville & Milton Humane Society
  • Positive Space Network (ROCK)
  • Wellspring of Oakville
Copyright © 2025 The Heartland Singers